The North London Waste Plan (NLWP) has been examined by an independent Planning Inspector, Mr Stephen Normington BSc DipTP MRICS MRTPI FIQ FIHE, whose role is to assess whether the plan complies with the legal requirements and is sound.  The Inspector took into account any representations made in response to the NLWP consultations.

The Inspector issued his final Report in October 2021 which concludes that the Duty to Cooperate has been met and that, with the recommended main modifications set out in the Schedule of Main Modifications, the North London Waste Plan satisfies the requirements referred to in Section 20(5)(a) of the 2004 Act and is sound.

The North London Boroughs would like to thank everyone who participated in the North London Waste Plan examination process.

All Examination documents are provided below alongside a full list of Core Documents with links.

Inspector’s Final Report

NLWP Inspector Report – Final

NLWP Main Modifications Appendix – Final

Core Post-Submission Documents

Schedule of Participants’ comments on NPPF and Borough Responses (August 2021)

Complete Schedule of Post-Submission Proposed Modifications (updated August 2021)
NLWP submission (Jan 2019) with proposed modifications (Updated August 2021)

Report on NLWP Main Modifications Consultation (March 2021)
Complete Schedule of Post-Submission Proposed Modifications (March 2021)
NLWP submission (Jan 2019) with proposed modifications (March 2021)
NLWP submission (Jan 2019) Appendix 2 Area Profiles with proposed modifications (March 2021)
Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Update (March 2021)
Letter from the Mayor of London on general conformity (March 2021)

Representations Made During the Main Modifications Consultation

Barnet Labour Group
Stella D’Alberti
Dump Donoghue
Environment Agency (1 of 2)
Environment Agency (2 of 2)
Extinction Rebellion Zero Waste (1 of 2)
Extinction Rebellion Zero Waste (2 of 2)
Fitzgerald & Burke Builders Merchants
Freehold Community Association
GBN Waste
Henry Boot Developments
Marine Management Organisation
Cathy Mears
Natural England
Network Rail (1 of 2)
Network Rail (2 of 2)
North London Waste Authority
Pinkham Way Alliance (1 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendices 1-4 (2 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendix 5 (3 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendix 6 (4 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendix 7 (5 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendix 8 (6 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Appendix 9 (7 of 8)
Pinkham Way Alliance Addendum (8 of 8)
Port of London Authority
Seamus Reddin
Stop The Edmonton Incinerator Now
Swift Conservation
TfL Commercial Development
TfL Spatial Planning
Thames Water
Mr Welby

Main Modification Consultation Documents

Representation Form and Guidance Notes for Main Modification Consultation

Schedule of Proposed Modifications (October 2020)

Tracked Changes version of the Proposed Submission NLWP with Proposed Modifications (October 2020)

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (October 2020)

HRA Addendum (October 2020)

Flood Risk Addendum (October 2020)

Data Study Addendum (October 2020)

Options Appraisal for Sites and Areas to be taken forward in the Proposed Submission NLWP (Updated October 2020)

Inspector’s Communication

Letter to Boroughs: Revised NPPF 22 July 2021

Post-Hearing Letter 1 October 2020

Agenda 20 November 2019

Agenda 21 November 2019

NLWP Draft Hearing Programme with Participants (revised 18th November)

Matters, Issues and Questions

Guidance Note from the Inspector

Post-Hearing Documents

Letter to Inspector 5th August 2021

Letter to Inspector 25th September 2020

Letter to Inspector 12th February 2020

Letter to Inspector 3rd December 2019

Additional Evidence Base Documents

NLWP proposed submission January 2019 (proposed modifications tracked changes)

NLWP Flood Risk Sequential Test (October 2019)

Main Matters: Statements Received

Main Matter 1: Duty to Co-operate and Legal Issues

MM1 Dump Donoghue Campaign Groups

MM1 Fitzgerald & Burke Builders Merchants

MM1 North London Boroughs

MM1 Q5 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM1 Q6 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM1 Q11 Environment Agency

MM1 Q11 Freehold Community Association

Main Matter 2: Aim and objectives for Waste Development

MM2 Dump Donoghue Campaign Groups

MM2 North London Boroughs

MM2 Q14 Freehold Community Association

MM2 Q16 Pinkham Way Alliance

Main Matter 3: Spatial Framework for Waste

MM3 North London Boroughs

MM3 PB Donoghue

MM3 Thurrock Council

MM3 Q23 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM3 Q24 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM3 Q25 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM3 Q26 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM3 Q28 Freehold Community Association

MM3 Q34 Pinkham Way

MM3 Q38 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM3 Q43 Pinkham Way Alliance

Main Matter 4: Future Waste Management Requirements

MM4 Fitzgerald & Burke Builders Merchants

MM4 North London Boroughs

Main Matter 5: Policies

MM5 Dump Donoghue Campaign Groups

MM5 Fitzgerald & Burke Builders Merchants


MM5 North London Boroughs

MM5 PB Donoghue

MM5 PB Donoghue (2)

MM5 Q61 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM5 Q62 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM5 Q63 Pinkham Way Alliance

MM5 Q63 Q68 Freehold Community Association

MM5 Q66 GBN Services

MM5 Q68 Environment Agency

Main Matter 6: Monitoring and Implementation

MM6 Dump Donoghue Campaign Groups

MM6 North London Boroughs

MM6 Q88 Pinkham Way Alliance

Statements of Common Ground

SoCG with Essex

SoCG with Environment Agency

SoCG with GBN

SoCG with Greater London Authority

SoCG with Hertfordshire

SoCG with Historic England

SoCG with NLWA

SoCG with Surrey

SoCG with Thames Water

SoCG with Thurrock


The North London Boroughs have submitted the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government on 8th August 2019.  The Boroughs consulted on a proposed submission version of the NLWP between 1 March and 12 April 2019.

Submitted documents

The Boroughs have submitted the North London Waste Plan Regulation 19 (January 2019) to the Secretary of State, together with the supporting documents, dated January 2019, that were published for the Regulation 19 consultation. These are the Sustainability Appraisal, Data Study, Sites and Areas Report, Options Appraisal, Flood Sequential Test Report, Exports to Landfill 2020-35, Habitats Regulation Assessment, and the Equality Impact Assessment

Additionally the Boroughs have submitted new documents, dated August 2019.  These are the Consultation Statement, Representations received at Regulation 19 in representor order and in plan order, Duty to co-operate Report, Links to Borough documents, and Letter from the Mayor.

The submitted documents can be viewed online on the Document Centre.

Further information

The main place to find information about the NLWP is on this website. As the examination proceeds the website will be updated with key documents and communications from the Inspector.

If you cannot find the information you need, email feedback@nlwp.net or phone 020 7974 5916.