
Welcome to the third in a series of newsletters to keep you up to date with progress on the North London Waste Plan (NLWP). The NLWP, once adopted, will set out the planning framework for waste management in the London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest up to 2032. It will identify sites for waste management use and set out policies for determining waste planning applications.


We have updated the timetable and it is now anticipated that consultation on the Draft Plan will take place in summer/autumn 2015. Notification of the consultation will be made by email, on the website and in the local press. The new timetable is set out below.

Launch consultation (Regulation 18) Spring 2013

Consultation on draft plan (Regulation 18) Summer/Autumn 2015

Consultation on proposed submission plan (Regulation 19) Summer 2016

Submission (Regulation 22) Autumn 2016

Public hearings Winter 2016/17

Inspector’s report Summer 2017

Adoption Autumn 2017

What we have been doing

We have been working on an update to the Data Study to inform the draft plan which includes:

 updated information on waste arisings

 updated information on the movement of wastes

 newly published data of arisings and growth of Local Authority Collected Waste

 revised forecasts of waste arisings and Borough apportionments

 new information about existing facilities

 information about new waste facilities

We consulted on the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report and have revised the Scoping Report in the light of comments. We have published the revised SA Scoping Report on the website – this lays the foundations for assessing the NLWP against agreed sustainability objectives. We have also consulted on and published a Duty to Co-operate Protocol which sets out the framework for co-operation with all authorities to which north London exports waste. We have been continuing to engage with key stakeholders as part of our responsibilities under the Duty to cooperate.

Contact Us

If you would like to go on our mailing list and receive news and information on the NLWP please contact Archie Onslow, NLWP Programme Manager: Email: Tel: 020 7974 5916 Website: Mail: North London Waste Plan, LB Camden Culture & Environment, Town Hall, Judd Street, London, WC1H 9JE

What we are doing now and planning to do next

We have produced a draft of the NLWP which will be considered by the Cabinets/Executives of the North London boroughs (see timetable below) and will be published for consultation in the Summer/Autumn of 2015. The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the draft NLWP will be published in parallel with consultation on the draft NLWP. The strategic options and proposals for new waste sites and areas have been evaluated through the SA process. The preferred approach and proposed allocations will be included in the draft NLWP. Alongside the draft NLWP and Sustainability Appraisal, we will be publishing a number of technical reports that describe the process and the evidence behind the plan. The reports are

 Sites and Area Report – how the sites and areas have been chosen

 Sequential test – how flooding assessments on sites have done

 Duty to co-operate report – how the boroughs have engaged with key stakeholders

 Data Study update – how the waste data behind the plan has been updated

 Consultation Statement – how the responses to the launch consultation have informed the plan

 Options Appraisal – how the preferred approach was decided

Timetable for ratification and consultation on draft Plan

The draft NLWP is scheduled to be considered by Boroughs at the following meetings:

10th June Camden Cabinet Early July (date TBC) Enfield Local Plan Cabinet Sub Committee

9 th July Barnet Policy and Resources Committee

14 July Haringey Cabinet

16 July Islington Cabinet

20th July Hackney Cabinet

21st July Waltham Forest Cabinet

22nd July Hackney Full Council


Consultation on the Draft Plan will take place during summer/autumn 2015. A series of stakeholder consultation events and drop-in sessions will take place during the first half of September giving you the opportunity to comment on the draft policies and sites/area options. Our website will be kept up to date with details of the consultation dates and planned stakeholder events. You can find more at If you would like to get involved in any of the stakeholder events, please register your interest by using the contact details above. You do not need to register for the dropin sessions.