Welcome to the fourth in a series of newsletters to keep you up to date with progress on the North London Waste Plan (NLWP). This newsletter comes at the time when we are about to consult on the draft plan. The draft NLWP will be out for consultation from Thursday 30th July to Wednesday 30th September. The NLWP will set out the planning framework for waste management in the London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest for the next 15 years. It will identify land for waste management use and set out policies for determining waste planning applications.
Launch consultation (Regulation 18) Spring 2013
Consultation on Draft Plan (Regulation 18) Summer/Autumn 2015
Consultation on Proposed Submission Plan (Regulation 19) Summer 2016
Submission (Regulation 22) Autumn 2016
Public hearings Winter 2016/17
Inspector’s report Summer 2017
Adoption Autumn 2017
Draft Plan
Following initial consultation and the development of an evidence base, a Draft Plan has now been prepared. A nontechnical summary of the Draft Plan will be available on our website from 30th July 2015. The NLWP has two main purposes: to ensure there will be adequate provision of suitable land to accommodate waste management facilities of the right type, in the right place and at the right time up to 2032 to manage waste generated in North London; and to provide policies against which planning applications for waste development will be assessed, alongside other relevant planning policies/guidance. The key elements of the NLWP are: The Aim and Objectives: These are overarching principles which have steered the development of the NLWP. The Spatial Strategy: This sets out the physical and planning components that influence the Plan and identifies opportunities and constraints for waste planning in North London. The Provision for North London’s Waste to 2032: This sets out the preferred option for how the waste management needs for North London will be met for each waste stream over the plan period. The Policies: These are policies through which the aims and objectives, waste management strategy and spatial strategy will be delivered. The policies provide the waste planning framework against which applications for waste development will be assessed across the plan area.
The NLWP plans for all principal waste streams including: Local Authority Collected Waste (LACW): Waste produced by householders; Commercial and Industrial (C&I): Wastes produced by businesses and industry; Construction, Demolition & Excavation (CD&E): Waste generated as a result of delivering infrastructure projects, building, renovation and the maintenance of structures; Hazardous: A sub category of all waste streams where the material produced is hazardous and requires specialist treatment; Agricultural waste: Waste produced by farming and forestry activity; Waste Water / Sewage Sludge: Waste produced from washing, cleaning and hygienic activities to create waste water and sewage effluents; and Low level radioactive waste (LLW): Waste associated with the undertaking of x-rays and laboratory testing using low level radioactive substances. The NLWP aims for net self-sufficiency. Net self-sufficiency means providing enough waste management capacity to manage the equivalent of the waste generated in North London, while recognising that some imports and exports will continue. Once adopted, the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) will form part of the ‘Development Plan’ for the North London Boroughs which comprises the London Plan and borough Local Plans. The NLWP should be read alongside other relevant policies within the wider Development Plan. Each of the seven boroughs has an adopted Core Strategy as part of their Local Plan; these contain an overarching policy on sustainable waste management. The Core Strategies provide the boroughwide strategic policy direction for the development of the NLWP and, in conjunction with this, the NLWP will provide a more detailed planning framework for waste development across the seven boroughs.
Consultation events
We are now asking for your comments on the Draft Plan. As part of this consultation stage, we are holding a series of workshops and drop in sessions covering the seven Boroughs, with workshops and drop in sessions being held on the same day for each Borough. The workshop sessions will be held from 1-5pm on the same dates as the drop-in sessions listed below. The workshops will include presentations and facilitated discussions on the Draft Plan. We are asking people to register for the afternoon workshop sessions to ensure that there are enough facilitators to help run the session. To register to attend this event, please contact the North London Waste Plan team at or by phoning 020 7974 5916. The drop in sessions will be held from 6-8pm. The drop-in sessions will include information boards and documentation and staff available to answer any questions. An event has been planned for each Borough, see below for details and each boroughs’ event will have at least one member of staff from the relevant borough present. There is no registration required for the drop in sessions and everyone is invited to come along.
Date Borough Venue for Drop in session 6pm to 8pm
Wednesday 2 September Camden/Islington Camden Centre Small Hall Bidborough Street, Kings Cross WC1H 9JE
Thursday 3 September Haringey Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green N22 8LE
Tuesday 8 September Barnet Penridge suite – 470 Bowes Road, New Southgate, N11 1NL
Wednesday 9 September Enfield Green Towers Community Centre, 7 Plevna Road Edmonton N9 0BU
Thursday 10 September Hackney Haggerston Community Centre, 8 Lovelace Street E8 4FF.
Friday 11 September Waltham Forest Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road. Leyton. E10 5JY
How to Respond
The Draft Plan poses a series of questions relating to each of the sections. A response form setting out these questions will be available online. From 30th July 2015 to 30th September 2015 you can comment on the Draft Plan in the following ways: Via an online survey via our website; By email to; or In writing to: Archie Onslow North London Waste Plan Regeneration and Planning Camden Town Hall Judd Street WC1H 9JE If you have access to the Internet we would prefer you to submit your response online. By adding your response through this system you can assist in reducing the amount of paper used during the consultation process. For more information about the North London Waste Plan, please visit our website or contact the NLWP team: Website: Email: Tel: 020 7974 5916